Friday, July 23, 2010

YAY! It's Friday.

One set of edits are off my desk and today I’ll finish the others. I’m looking forward to the weekend.
I bought the DH awesome seats to Bon Jovi for his b-day. So tomorrow we’ll head to Gillette stadium for the concert. The last time I went to Gillette for a concert was 2003 with my best friend. We rocked out to Metallica, Limp Bizkit, and Linkin Park for the Summer Sanitarium tour. Back then we were New Yorkers and not welcomed by Boston. Though no one would’ve known had my best friend not took it upon herself to tell anyone who’d listen Boston Red Sox suck. She’s a die-hard Yankees fan. I thought we were gonna get in a fight with a group of drunk guys.
Truth be told I’m not a huge fan of Bon Jovi’s new stuff. I loved him back in the 80s and early 90s, but I could take him or leave now. BUT because the DH enjoys his music I’ll go. I hope he plays more older stuff than newer. LOL Kid Rock is the opening act. Should draw an interesting crowd.
Sunday we’ll spend the day out on a boat in Boston with the B/SIL and then off to check out their new house and celebrate the BIL’s b-day. I doubt any writing will get done. I can’t party like I did back 20 years ago. I’m sure Monday I’ll be a vegetable. LOL
Hope everyone has a terrific weekend.


  1. HAVE FUN!!! And if they sing 'Silent Night', cheer loudly for me? That's one of my all time faves.

    I got to see him in 1995 or 6; when that man sings, I just close my eyes and let the music transport me elsewhere:)
