The countdown has begun. Only four days until my much needed vacation. We're not going anywhere special. Maybe a few day trips to the ocean, but it doesn't matter what we do, because I won't have to log into my work computer and perform any work tasks. Woo Hoo!
In preparation of taking a week off I've been tying up loose ends in my writing life too. Last Friday I finished and submitted a short for an anthology. Today I finished Cabin Fever. This one sat for too many months before editing, but I'm glad I did it. I added over 10k to the story and like it much better. Just have to write the synopsis and send it off to my editor. My goal is to have that baby gone by Friday.
Not only have I completed the two projects, I sent out 4 queries to a magazine I've written for the last three years. Something I've been slacking off from lately. With any luck I'll have some new assignments lined up when I return from vacation.
Yesterday my youngest graduated from elementary school. She'll begin junior high in the fall. Geez, it seems she just started kindergarten and suddenly she's a 7th grader. It's times like these I get the baby urge, but I usually cure that urge by inviting my daughter and granddaughter over for the day! LOL I love spending time with my precious angel, but it's not easy at my age. I realize I'm just too old for caring for a baby full time. Now I finally "get" what they mean by just borrow someone else's child to cure the baby desires.
Oh well, time to get back to the queries for Complete Woman. I've yet to crack this magazine, but shit I'm determined.
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