Thursday, November 15, 2012

Appreciating Life

I woke this morning and realized half of November is over. I remember as a child my mother and grandmother saying time flies when you get older. Damn if they weren’t right. I’ve been so busy time seems to be slipping away. Granted things will start to settle down for a brief time, it’s still going by at lightning speed.
I’ve decided to slow down and smell the roses, even if my day job is demanding me to put in seventy hours. I refuse to stress about getting the job done and in a timely manner. I’m one person and can only do so much. Today and the days ahead I’m going to appreciate all those things I’m thankful for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for the job, it’s just not the most important thing in my life.
Life is good…no life is great! J


  1. Yes, your grandmother was right Amber. Mine said the same thing. Hope you're feeling better.

  2. It's a great season to be thankful! Here's to a stress-free life!!!
