Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Still Discombobulated!

Okay, so for 2012 I decided I would spend more time at my desk and try to be more productive. I have one word for my progress/process – discombobulated. I’m finding it hard to get used to this new routine. I’m not really sure why either.

Okay, so for 2012 I decided I would spend more time at my desk and try to be more productive. I have one word for my progress/process – discombobulated. I’m finding it hard to get used to this new routine. I’m not really sure why either.

Yesterday I signed up for the RWA NEC conference in April. I got my hotel reservations and now I’m excited for the conference.

I’m bored. Bored with my day job, bored with the fiction and non-fiction writing I’m doing, so I started a magazine writing class. I’m hoping to shake up this rut I’m in.

Today I’m over at Seven Sexy Scribes talking about some of this! Drop in if you so desire. ;O)
PS...I love the word discombobulated too Kaye...


  1. It certainly is the word for me this morning. Going to hop over!

    Marie Rose Dufour

  2. Wow! You really are! There's a repeat of your first pph (which is awesome for making sure your readers are awake btws. I had to read twice to make sure I hadn't skipped something). Then you're excited and then you're bored. Poor thing. Hang in there.

  3. Ooh, have lots of fun at the conference! Hope it helps bump you out of the rut. That is most definitely a cool word.
