Today is our 8 yr anniversary. I thought this picture was fitting. Why you ask? On our Christmas gifts we always make up fictional characters from TV shows for the To and From. Fred and Wilma always make an appearance on the gift tags. :) Corny? Maybe but we love having fun.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Happy Birthday, Connor
Five years ago I gave birth to a preemie. He weighed 14oz. The little guy fought a good fight for 6 days, but was plagued by too many issues. We decided (at the doctor's suggestion) to take him off his oxygen.
For anyone who has lost a child you know the pain. Connor was the second person I sat with while taking their final breath. While I know it was for the best, it was the toughest thing I've done to date.
We later found out just how serious his issues were and know he never would've had any quality of life.
Today I want to wish my son a happy birthday. I love and miss him every day.
For anyone who has lost a child you know the pain. Connor was the second person I sat with while taking their final breath. While I know it was for the best, it was the toughest thing I've done to date.
We later found out just how serious his issues were and know he never would've had any quality of life.
Today I want to wish my son a happy birthday. I love and miss him every day.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Six Years Ago
I had my first book published. The publishing house is no longer in business, but I'm thrilled they accepted my book. They published four other books before folding. It's difficult for authors now. Do you traditional or indie publish. For me I like the profits of indie. It's all a matter of choice though. Neither way is wrong.
Happy Anniversary to me! :)
Unwrapped (formerly Mistletoe Studs) my first ever published book is now available for 0.99 on Smashwords. All versions available.
Happy Anniversary to me! :)
Unwrapped (formerly Mistletoe Studs) my first ever published book is now available for 0.99 on Smashwords. All versions available.
amber skyze,
Mistletoe Studs,
Saturday, December 20, 2014
30 years gone
30 years ago I was getting ready for school when I called home to talk to my mom. I was staying with a friend to finish high school. It was almost Christmas break and I was making plans to come home for the holiday's.
My step-father answered and aburptly told me my uncle died. (he had no class or tact)...imagine being 16 and hearing your favorite uncle was dead. Needless to say I was shocked.
When the details came out I learned he was killed by a drunk driver. My uncle was only 30yrs old. He was always there for me and then he was gone.
I've never forgotten that day and I always think about Donny. I love and miss him even 30 years later.
My step-father answered and aburptly told me my uncle died. (he had no class or tact)...imagine being 16 and hearing your favorite uncle was dead. Needless to say I was shocked.
When the details came out I learned he was killed by a drunk driver. My uncle was only 30yrs old. He was always there for me and then he was gone.
I've never forgotten that day and I always think about Donny. I love and miss him even 30 years later.
Friday, December 12, 2014
A Splash of Hope
Splash of Hope
SERIES – Spiced Life Book 1
AUTHOR – Charity Parkerson
GENRE – Romantic Suspense
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 177
PUBLISHER – Punk & Sissy Publications
COVER ARTIST – Punk & Sissy Publications
Two years
ago, Faith Hope left her hometown vowing never to return. When her sister
leaves the town’s hottest bachelor standing at the altar and disappears, Faith
is forced to face her past in order to find her.
With a
little bit of luck, some devious planning, and a splash of hope Faith may get
her happily-ever-after... whether she wants it or not.
Her feet
hurt, and she’d moved beyond stickiness from the heat over two hours earlier.
Faith was also sick beyond tears at knocking on doors no one bothered
answering. At the thought of being forced to stand even one second longer in
the blazing sun, Faith beat her fist harder against the solid oak door. It was
standing in between her and Adam. That was unacceptable. She waited a moment
longer. When she thought she’d throw her arms up in defeat, the door swung
open. A disgruntled-looking Adam stared out at her. Faith let her eyes travel
the length of him. His hair stood on end and his shirtless state threatened to
make her swallow her tongue. His chest and stomach appeared as if they’d been
carved from stone. The baggy gray shorts he wore, might have at one time been
sweatpants. That is, before someone took a pair of scissors to them. They were
more appealing than the most expensive of suits. Holy shit. She had to tear her
eyes away. Not hers.
Faith was
almost certain she’d pulled Adam away from his workout by her incessant
knocking. Unfortunately, he was so goddamn yummy she forgot why she was there.
She was staring at the line of hair that disappeared beneath his waistband
until he cleared his throat. Damn it. She thought she’d already forced her eyes
away. Nope. She was still gazing at the deep lines etched into his stomach. Lifting
her gaze back to his, Adam’s eyebrows rose in question, but his smoke-colored
eyes distracted her once more.
assuming this has something to do with Serenity,” he said, when she remained
Oh yes, Serenity, Faith reminded herself. She was here about
the sister who’d snagged him.
Parkerson is an award winning and multi-published author with Ellora's Cave
Publishing, Midnight Books, and Punk & Sissy Publications. Born with no
filter from her brain to her mouth, she decided to take this odd quirk and
insert it in her characters.
*2014 Golden Ankh nominee
*Winner of 2, 2014 Readers' Favorite
*2013 Readers' Favorite Award Winner
*2013 Reviewers' Choice Award Winner
*ARRA Finalist for Favorite Paranormal
*Five-time winner of The Mistress of the
Amazon Author Page
– Website/Blog
– Facebook
– Twitter – Google+ - Pinterest
– Tumblr
– Networked Blogs
– Goodreads – Shelfari
– Others – Ellora’s Cave
- Passionate Ink
$5.00 USD
Amazon gift card
Thursday, December 11, 2014
For All in the Hope
TITLE – For All in the Hope
SERIES – Going off Dreams
AUTHOR – K.E. Nowinsky
GENRE – Paranormal Romance,
Fantasy, Science Fiction
9th, 2014
PUBLISHER – Kindle Direct
COVER ARTIST – Going off Dreams
Saga Productions
For All in
the Hope picks up right where Going off Dreams (book 1) leaves off. Nyx wakes
up in the dark realm of Tartarus without her man next to her in bed. They had
Xylo, the wicked Woodland Dryad prisoner until they discover that not only is
she missing, Nyx’s man Tobar is missing too. Plus, another ally and friend, the
Feung Phoenix Shifter and best friend of Tobar’s, Zhou is critically injured!
There is a race against time to find out what happened and to rescue Tobar
before those that want to destroy Nyx and her powers permanently turn
In the
Earthly realm, Eryn is still coping with the fact that she has to leave her
family and everything she knows and loves. She struggles to keep the stress of
the realms from shattering her realities. As mortal Eryn, she’s a daughter to
loving parents, the bigger sister to her outgoing younger sister Lena, who is
living with her, and she’s also trying to balance Ryan in her life. After
Christmas, Lena’s ex fiancé makes another tragic appearance that will change
their fates forever.
Back in
Tartarus, Nyx comes head to head with the Darkness that wants to consume her
powers. Just when you would think the battle is over, another sinister entity
comes forward trying to claim her powers. Meanwhile she’s continuing to build
her relationships with her friends and allies she’s made in Tartarus while also
learning the capabilities of her powers that the Darkness wants to consume and
wield for their dark purposes. Nyx discovers her qualities within the quests
and becomes the deity that will bring light to the darkness.
BOOK 1 (Going Off Dreams) BUY LINKS
Opening my
eyes the images surrounding me were blurry and unfocused. Not knowing where I
was, made me feel sick within the pit of my stomach and threatening to escape.
My heart was in competition, feeling as if it were going to burst through my
chest along with my breathing; it was catching in my lungs like
the scene, items started making some sense. When my eyes focused, I could make
out the dark room with the help of the soft glow from the lights above me. I
knew I had returned. I was back in Arden’s Hut, something didn’t feel right
though, I was alone. Immediately I moved my hand to feel the sheets on the bed
next to me, only feeling empty fabric and coldness where I expected
My feet met
the cool wooden floor as I searched the small quarters along with the
connecting bathroom. He wasn’t anywhere, no note, no sign of him ever being
there. My heart plummeted in a swan dive directly to the pit of my stomach,
this felt all too real and familiar. The emptiness and dread, as if the
darkness would swallow me whole was threatening to entrap my consciousness.
Commotion from the hallway broke the threatening fear.
Not being
able to hear what was going on; I crept toward the huge thick door. Carefully,
I maneuvered my toes on the floor, not to wake the creaky boards beneath me.
When I heard a familiar voice say “Get Nyx, we’ll have to tell her.” The knock
at the door was a little shocking, making my already erratic breathing nearly
stop all together.
Drawing a
deep breath in I cracked the door peaking out, my eyes focused on the dark
silhouette, light that was being filtered from behind her somewhere. As my eyes
adjusted more I could associate the name with the being; Arden. She was one of
the first entities I met here in this realm.
While it was
dark and perilous there was a sense that there could be more, quite a weird
sensation of both hesitation and promise. I knew there were threats possibly
lurking in the shadows and yet I also had formed friendships and allies with
some unique and wonderful beings here. While the threat was prominent I also
felt secure and a sense of being home.
When I first
met Arden I had seen her materialize on the edge of a mystical forest, which
seemed like a lifetime ago. Her hair, black as the night that plagued Tartarus,
and her eyes a mystic violet. She reminded me of a Native American goddess. She
had the fighting skills of Qamait; goddess of war with the Nuxalk Nation. Her
body looks sculpted like a well-trained assassin, fit with curves to draw any
male prey. With her enchanted bow and her whip KiKi to aid in her quests, she
was magnificent and wicked to witness in battle.
Arden was
more of an older sister figure. Within minutes of meeting her I felt a sense of
shared spiritual security within our devotion and dedication to those we hold
near to us. Plainly put, I liked Arden. She was usually in better spirits
though. Now her face was serious and worried which in turn worried me further
and only added to my desperation.
Looking at
her through the entrance to my bedroom chamber, the light flickered from the
candles in the hallway flirting with her skin enhancing her natural beauty. She
said, “Nyx, you’ll need to come with me.”
going on?” I asked her.
She didn’t
answer as she walked up toward the main hall.
The main
room in Arden’s Hut consisted of wooden walls that reminded me of the
consistency and texture like beavers had whittled the wood. Complete opposite,
the floors were smooth and reminded me of a clean chopped tree displaying its
many rings of life. When you looked above you could see smoke escaping through
a fashioned hide-stretched ceiling. In the middle of the room a roaring fire
encompassed by rocks that protect the many pillows thrown about – to which
Arden would resort to throwing at guests when the opportunity presented itself.
Her hut was comforting and inviting; when you took a deep breath in you could
detect all the wonders and smells of the forest, which to me were delightful.
You could also tell that her home had been around for a long time. Arden is a
direct descendent of the Arduinnian Clan, who are known as the Guardians of the
Forest, direct descendent of Diana, goddess of the hunt.
entering Arden’s main room, my stomach immediately wrenched into a horrid knot.
Zhou was laying lifelessly on the floor. This made my insides crawl knowing how
powerful a fighter he is. Immediately I started contemplating what could have
caused this serious condition.
Arden must
have been hurting even more so. She had developed a relationship with Zhou and
this only increased my concern. Arden, the true warrior that she is, was being
strong for everyone. A painful lump was pressing against my throat and my eyes
were pleading to cry. If Arden was holding it together, so could I.
I always
liked Zhou, and I was sad to see him like this. He was still wearing his
electric dark blue pants, with an equally dark purple shirt, and with the red
streak in his black hair made him look intriguing. I never understood his
fashion statements. I respected him though, as a fighter, a friend, and ally.
With Zhou’s New Age fashion sense, it made him seem like he wasn’t from this
dimension. Tartarus was more of a realm set with foliage. His choices in wardrobe
against Arden’s more naturalistic approach made them both look mismatched.
Seeing them together usually made me smile but, not now—Zhou was a Fenghuang, a
shape shifting fire bird, more precisely a fiery phoenix. While he was very
skilled in both his forms he is more powerful when he is in his phoenix form.
He’s always eager for a fight. Zhou is like that big brother pulling you in to
give you a noogie to remind you of the status quo. I’m afraid this time though,
the fight won.
A healer
Hikmat had his hands on Zhou’s forehead and chest, his eyes closed in
concentration, meditating over Zhou’s lifeless body. I didn’t know Hikmat as
well as some of the others in the room, I had met him only recently, and I knew
he was a healer of sorts. He was a wizard when it pertained to plants, potions,
and concoctions. He was a Tobar Segais like Tobar, meaning he possessed wisdom.
His eyes stayed closed while his hands remained on Zhou.
Thinking of
Tobar made my stomach dive even deeper. As if my stomach detached from the warm
blood circulation within my body and plummeted toward the depths of despair— my
mind reconnected with another concern that had me riddled right before seeing
Zhou on the floor. Tobar, he was missing from our room and if Zhou was lying on
the floor defeated… Tobar was an equal opponent.
Tobar was
the one that introduced me into the realm. He was the one that my heart
connected with and I felt drawn toward, like no other before him. A truly deep
soul connection, without him next to me I felt as though a part of my being was
missing. He had given me refuge from myself, I felt safe when I was with him.
Without him, the danger lurking within the darkness here seemed more prominent
and threatening.
With the
thought of him not in sight intensified the sinking feeling that had pressed so
deeply south. It began to rise more rapidly back up. I had to place my hand over
my mouth to reel in my senses.
kneeled down next to Zhou as closely as she could. She gently brushed her cheek
against his in an intimate gesture. The room felt as if all the oxygen leaving
vacuumed sealed the room, extinguishing the fire, and even the warm inside my
body as I felt a sudden chill. Suffocating, I watched as she then placed her
lips upon his with a soft wanting kiss. Arden’s eyes began to fill with
emotion. I felt for her, as the tears sparkling against her skin escaped their
confines and splashed against Zhou’s skin below. She placed her hands on his as
she prayed silently.
Seeing her
in such distress only made the situation feel more dire. I too bowed my head and
closing my eyes.
I began to pray for Tobar’s safety and Zhou’s recovery. Please Lord, deliver
Tobar back to us safely and lay your healing hands upon Zhou; as we so
desperately need You now. I pray for those that have made their move against
us. They’ll wish they had never been in existence once I finish with
concentration broke off when Avlov and Enki joined us then. They both had bowls
in their hands that contained some healing elements. Enki took Avlov’s and
kneeled next to Hikmat on Zhou’s other side. Enki and I had only met recently
as well. He was known as Lord of the Earth, meaning he had control over the
elements and its constituents.
A Wieven,
Avlov is also known as a Wise Woman. She has a vast knowledge of healing
salves, rituals and how to use the elements for their benefit. She has fierce
white eyes that match her white hair and almost a hipster outfit. I always
liked Avlov because she wore converses.
The group
that was working on Zhou, the healers, are much like those that wield magic.
They can manipulate matter and they have a vast knowledge that helps them in
their aiding processes. To watch them in action definitely feels like you were
experiencing magic in a true form.
Touching my
shoulder, Avolv broadcasted a message using her telepathy, “Nyx, I need to talk
to you, please come with me over to the table.” Leading me over, she verbally
asked “Have you seen Tobar?”
I was on the
verge of tears, there was still so much that remained unanswered, and if Zhou
was hurt—I could barely articulate “No, I woke up to an empty room, a cold bed
and I couldn’t find him anywhere.” My chest flet like it was going to
Arden had
joined us and she put her hand around my shoulders to give me a half-hug “We’ll
get these—”
But Avlov
interrupted her and said, “I think we should get Nyx up to speed with what’s
going on.”
Zhou began
to stir making some noises and we all ran to his side. I felt so bad that he
had to suffer so much. He opened his eyes and found Arden’s first, she took his
hands in hers. Then he found mine and started to speak, weakly saying “I don’t…
know… what… happened.”
Enki spoke
up and said that Zhou had taken Xylo, the captured dryad we were interrogating,
some refreshments for when she would wake up.
continued, “I opened her door… the next thing I knew I was… laying
Hikmat told
Zhou that he needed to rest. We gathered pillows as they propped him up,
attempting to give him some comfort. Hikmat gave Zhou another potion, this time
it was clear. What was it? How easily we were to trust. After he drank it, he
smiled before his eyes closed and he was back asleep.
“So where’s
Tobar?” I asked plainly.
looked alarmed. The sick feeling returned and now there was an alarming amount
of pressure on my chest. I could sense something bad was coming. It was just
around the corner, lingering there like a poisonous snake waiting to strike,
taking me down with its dread and despair.
Avlov came
to my side, she could be frightening to look at in the eye. Tobar mentioned
before she was also known as the White Witch, I guess when you’ve been in
existence as long as someone like Avlov has been, you can acquire a few nick
names here and there.
She offered
me some tea but I refused it, especially since I know how loopy her tea could
make me feel. No doubt she added a little something extra to the liquid
concoctions to help ease the soul in times of stress or high anxiety. Which
would actually be great right about now but, I need my wit about me.
Arden came
over to me and put her hands upon my shoulders again. Looking me directly in
the eyes she said “We can’t find him.” My chest felt like it burst into flames.
My body went limp, and I felt like I was falling. Everything went
“Together Again”
Temptation “The Heart of Everything”
“Sweet Sacrifice”
Lacuna Coil
“Our Truth”
In This
Moment “Forever”
Thomas “Illuminations”
Thomas “Secrets”
Thomas “Etude for the Dreamer”
Temptation “The Silent Force”
Lacuna Coil
“Soul Inmate”
“My Heart Is Broken”
Temptation “The Howling”
“Stand Up”
Lacuna Coil
“Trip the Darkness”
In This
Moment “Lost At Sea”
Temptation “Stairway to the Skies”
“All That I’m Living For”
“Snow White Queen”
In the
mortal realm of Earth, she’s known as Katheryn,
Eryn for short. She works within the local school system which means she
doesn’t get paid as much as she should. Living on a tight budget, she recruited
her younger sister Lean to move in with her. Eryn also has a dog named Bryan
and an old fat cat named Smokie. She’s never been too lucky in love but,
recently she found a man that isn’t put off by her distance; not to mention
Lena really pushes for her older sister to loosen up more.
Within her
alternative realm of Tartarus she’s known as Nyx, an evolving powerful deity.
She’s been quested with fighting the darkness within a realm seething to
consume her. She has a group of guardians with powers of their own to help her
as well in particular the man whom from the start, an electrical spark that
ignited their passion. Nyx is a survivor she’ll fight for what she believes in
and for those that she cares for. She’s definitely someone you want in your
Before he
disappeared, Tobar was a Segais, he had powers of
a particular kind; he knew everything. His friends in Tartarus teased him that
he was a “Mr. Know-it-all”. This always was useful with the woman that he
loves, Nyx. He has a gentle soul and someone you would definitely want to
cuddle with. However, after he’s taken his world changes when Lilith and Xylo
nearly mutilate him turning him for their own dark purposes. With his new
vampirism needs, things get complicated quickly. One good thing, now both Tobar
and Nyx are immortal but, with immortality comes other obstacles of their
To learn more about the various characters visit
K.E. lives
in Maryland, which she refers to as “The Land of Mary”, with her faithful guard
dog Bryan, her supportive parents, and their little brat-dog Sampson. She has
deep-rooted morals and is very faithful in her beliefs. As a person born and
raised in Maryland, she is a fan of the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore
Orioles. When she isn’t writing, blogging, or spending time with those special
characters in her head, she loves to watch her shows, to cuddle up with a good
movie, or to spend time with her family and friends.
“After years
and years of my mother telling me that I should us my talents and write, I
finally listened!”
Nowinsky continues writing and plans to further the Going off Dreams realms as
she dives deeper into the characters and will produce more content and books.
The next scheduled work will be about one of her characters Arden and titled
Arduinna: Guardians of the Forest, slotted for April 2015. She is also
continuing Nyx’s quests in the next installment: How Otlen Prepares Eternity,
expected to release late summer 2015.
NETWORKED BLOGS – Going off Dreams Blog -
1 Signed
Paperback Copy (INT)
2 Ebook Copies
1 Swag Bag
1 $25 Amazon GC
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Highland Storm by Victoria Zak
Highland Storm
SERIES – Guardians of Scotland series #2
AUTHOR – Victoria Zak
GENRE – Scottish historical fantasy romance
A long
forgotten Ancient kingdom has been awakened and threatens to change the
Dragonkine world forever.
Can passion
weather the dragon’s storm?
The only
true pleasures in life Conall Hamilton yearned for were to marry a good woman,
raise a family, and hide away into seclusion to live a normal life away from
battle and war, not an easy task for the Dragonkine warrior and Clan Douglas’s
second in command. Assigned to investigate an allied clan, he vows upon his
return to marry his love, Effie. That’s until the Dragonkine warrior finds
himself accused of a crime he did not commit, murder. Imprisoned, he must find
a way to escape not only to save his own life but to save the life of the woman
he loves.
In time the
past will catch up with you…
Douglas is a survivor. Though not born a Douglas, Effie leaves her old life
behind to seek safety within Clan Douglas. For five years Conall Hamilton has
been her secret lover and savior, helping her pick up the pieces of her damaged
past. Hiding the true nature of their relationship from their clan had become a
burden for the red-headed lass and now she desires more. She wants Conall’s
name. When Effie is summoned home, she is plagued with unwanted memories,
treachery, and new found information that will change her life forever. Will
Effie have the courage and strength to weather the storm that rages around
Growing up
in the sister city to Stirling, Scotland, Sottish flare was abundant throughout
Dunedin. From her High School band to the annual Highland Games that took place
right across the street from her childhood home, the bagpipes beckoned her
toward her calling. It seemed only natural for Victoria Zak to want to write in
the Scottish historical romance genre. Add to the fact, she was also a
paranormal romance junkie, there was no doubt that her influences would be the
driving force behind her stories.
she never sought out a writing career, her desire for the written word grew the
more she read. Her love for Scotland, curiosity of history, and passion for romance
has inspired her to write her first book, Highland Burn. The Guardians of
Scotland series continues this winter with Highland Storm.
Victoria Zak lives in the sunshine state with her husband, two beautiful children,
and three furry friends. Living in paradise, being a stay at home, and to be
able to share her stories has been a blessing.
loves to hear from her readers. You can connect with her through FB, Twitter,
G+, and her website,
Please help share the authors Thunderclap campaign
Hi everyone
:) I just started a Thunderclap campaign for my new release Highland Storm and
I would love your support. Supporting my campaign is easy peasy. All you have
to do is click on this link and add your
support. That’s it.
What is
thunderclap you ask… Thunderclap is a crowd-speaking platform that will blast
out a timed Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr post from all my supporters (you),
creating a wave of attention. If you want to know more about Thunderclap click
this link.
Thank you for your support :)
Special Guest Mia Fox
TITLE – Alert
the Media
SERIES – Hollywood Hotties
AUTHOR – Mia Fox
GENRE – chick lit/social satire
PUBLICATION DATE – already published
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 225
PUBLISHER – Evatopia Press
When you’re
an entertainment publicist, there’s no better cure for a broken heart than to
Alert the Media...
April and
Ryan Monahan are the perfect Hollywood couple. He’s a handsome actor on the
rise; she’s a high-powered entertainment publicist. Her job becomes more
demanding, however, when Ryan announces he is gay and wants a
that her persuasive power over the press will give Ryan the publicity he
craves, April launches a swift media campaign to make him realize that he can’t
live without her. But Ryan has decided that he likes the dating scene and
April’s boss insists that she keep him happy as his account is important to the
To her
dismay, April is forced to protect her firm’s bottom line by maintaining Ryan’s
status as a Hollywood heartthrob while enduring her own heartbreak. As she
picks up the pieces of her destroyed marriage, April is determined to compete
with Ryan for power, publicity, and true love -- even when her imagination
takes her from the board room to the bedroom.
To save her
sanity, her corner office, and her two dogs from becoming caught up in an ugly
custody battle, April constructs a plan to use her media savvy skills to her
I didn’t flinch when I read my husband’s Facebook profile and learned Orlando
Bloom is his all time fav actor. After all, Ryan is an actor and Orlando Bloom
has a good body of work. I even remained calm when Ryan wrote about that body,
citing Orlando’s hotness in pirate wear. Okay, maybe this was a warning sign,
but one could argue that Ryan appreciates how costume design impacts a
Sure, there were other signs...all ignored. In fact, it wasn’t until I found
his porn stash, with not so much as one breast in the mix, that I realized my
rationalizations ceased to be rational. If only I had discovered Ryan in bed
with a leggy blonde, even two, I could have managed. His revelation, on the
other hand, gave me reason to doubt the existence of a higher being.
“April, we need to talk,” he said gravely.
Talk. When people mention four-letter words that one rarely comes to mind, but
in my experience it’s just as toxic as the others. Case in point was this
particular morning when Ryan sat me down in front of a steamy cappuccino and an
obscenely large sticky bun. I regarded the bun with suspicion. I was a week shy
of PMS and therefore not in need of carbs, and yet, here I was faced with a
definite sign that some serious buttering up, apologizing, or pleading would
occur. He obviously assumed (correctly) that artificial support would be
“April, my life, actually...our lives, are about to change,” he continued once
I had taken a healthy bite.
“You’re auditioning for a movie? Oh my gosh, I knew this day would come,” I
said hopefully, if not a bit naively. What can you expect from a girl voted
“Most Gullible” of her high school graduating class?
Ryan treaded lightly, “Honey, it’s something different. Call it a change of
heart, but I’ve decided that I’m gay.”
“Gay? As in happy?”
“No, not exactly, at least not yet. Here, have some more,” he said pinching off
a piece of the bun and popping it into my mouth that now hung open.
I swallowed hard. “How is this possible? We just had sex last night?”
“Yeah, I wanted to be sure. You gotta admit, we sure gave it the ol’ college
“I’d say. We did it twice!”
“Just wanted to be 100%. April, sweetie, don’t blame yourself. Listen, we’ll
talk later. I’m going to be late.”
After delivering this verbal right hook, Ryan apologized for the “bad news” and
left to start his day.
Mia Fox is a
Los Angeles-based novelist who writes across varied genres including Young
Adult/New Adult Paranormal Romance, Steampunk, and Chick Lit. She received her
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications from U.S.C.
writing full time, she worked as an entertainment publicist, a career she
chronicles in her novel, “Alert the Media.” However, she is happy to leave that
world behind her, preferring that any drama in her life is only that which she
creates for her characters.
She lives in
Los Angeles with her husband, three children, Casey, the Wonder Westie, and
Bean, his brother.
Swag Pack / Book Themed Necklace &
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Friday, December 5, 2014
Mountain of Love and Danger
Mountain of Love and Danger
SERIES – Fairwilde Fairy Tale Reflections
AUTHOR – Gail Pallotta
GENRE – Mystery and Romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 32, 440
PUBLISHER – Mountain Laurel Publishing / Create Space
COVER ARTIST – Vanessa Riley
Greenthumb finds romance in Fairwilde Kingdom—a different day—a different girl.
Then a cruel mystery begins. Dad’s beaten, the family farm destroyed and Jack’s
true love, Gwendolyn Bante, kidnapped. Jack’s undercover operation reveals
Gwenie’s a captive atop a mountain accessible only by helicopter. Reaching her
is a dangerous expedition even for a champion rock climber like Jack. However,
a Greenthumb Acres employee plants a miraculous seed from Heaven for the
rescue. Suspense mounts as Jack scales the perilous cliff to face a brute and a
treacherous descent in this retelling of the fairy tale, Jack and the
darkness fell around Jack as he slipped into his harness and put on his
climbing shoes. He crept in and out of the moon’s shadows to the base of the
alp and took hold of the strong plant, the itchy touch of it not a problem, the
strength of it boosting his confidence. Fueled by the fire burning in his heart
to find Gwenie, he stepped on the first node and glanced back. Just one quick
look. He didn’t know why. Maybe something in his psyche wanted to see the
ground from whence he’d come one last time in case he never set foot on it
He climbed
up the next nodule and the next as fast as his feet and arms would take him. A
sense of leaving the everyday world overwhelmed him as it always did when he
climbed, but this time it wasn’t freeing. An eerie sensation sent shivers
through his bones with every foot he scaled. The breaking of twigs, crunching
of leaves, and howling noises below grew fainter and fainter as he ascended
higher and higher.
“Whooo-whoo.” Halfway up he met an owl that turned its head
in a circle as it sat on the highest limb of a towering oak. He pulled upward
while pushing with his lower body as he passed boulders and scraggly bushes lit
by the stars and moon. He searched with his right hand for the next node, found
it, moved up and placed his foot on the spot where it had been. The jagged
surface on this mountain could rip open a person in an instant, but it was
Jack’s fear for Gwenie that gripped him. The yearning to hold her safe in his
arms seeped deeper into his pores each time he forged upward.
His body
ached as he pulled with nerves wound as tight as a corkscrew for wanting to
hurry to the top. Soon his leg muscles cramped. A gray piece of granite jutting
out like the seat of a chair with a slab for a back tempted him. How could he
rest after what he’d done to Gwenie? He had to keep moving, but what if his
arms and legs gave out, and he never reached her? His head throbbed with
decision making.
Just for a
second he let go of the living pole. His foot slipped, and he slid down the
precipice, debris rolling, crashing beneath him until the belay caught the rope
and stopped his fall. His head swam as he thrust the spring-loaded camming
device into a crack and anchored the cable. He swung to his right and sank to
the rocky seat. The stones settled below him and silence filled the darkness
where he sat tucked out of the light from Heaven.
Two days ago
he was a slap-happy player in love with Gwenie since childhood, but content to
drink life’s single pleasures a while longer. Now the need to take hold of a more
profound passion that seemed as fragile as one of Dad’s orchids burned in his
soul. The breeze whipping around him blew away images of fast rides through
Fairwilde with a blond or a brunette laughing beside him. He needed Gwenie.
Please Lord, let her be alright waiting for me.
He stretched
out his legs then rubbed his palms together. Upward.
He swung
out, grabbed hold of the beanstalk, pulled up with his hand and pushed with his
foot as a blast of strong wind swayed the sturdy stem. The stars grew dim then
disappeared as clouds rolled over them. Raindrops hit his head while lightning
flashed, lighting up the sky—nothing but dark space as far as he could see.
Then the flash.
He pulled up
with his hand and pushed with his right foot—pulled up with his hand and pushed
with his right foot again and again through the black void cut by occasional
lightning. The tiny glow from the lamp on his helmet did little good in this
storm. Another burst of air whipped around him, and the plant quivered. He
touched a flat spot. The one Fernando told him to look for? He moved his
fingers around it.
Yes. Relief
as strong as the gust that bent the trees swept over him. The top. He wanted to
shout I’m here Gwenie! into the stormy night over and over, but instead he
leaned forward trying to see a way into the cabin.
Jack Greenthumb’s a great guy.
He’s young and comes from a well-to-do family, so he’s been having fun riding
girls around in his new car. However, when his dad’s attacked and his true love
kidnapped, one quickly sees he’s courageous, determined and devoted to his
family and girlfriend. Fortunately, he’s also a champion rock and mountain
Award-winning author Gail Pallotta’s a wife, Mom, swimmer and
bargain shopper who loves God, beach sunsets and getting together with friends
and family. A former regional writer of the year for American Christian Writers
Association, she won Clash of the Titles in 2010. Her teen book, Stopped Cold,
finished fourth in the 16th Annual Preditors and Editors readers’ poll and was
a finalist for the 2013 Grace Awards. She’s published short stories in “Splickety”
magazine and Sweet Freedom with a Slice of Peach Cobbler. Some of her published
articles appear in anthologies while two are in museums. Visit her web site at
e-book of
Mountain of Love and Danger
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Fatal Forty-Eight
SERIES – The Kate Huntington Mysteries #7
AUTHOR – Kassandra Lamb
GENRE – Mystery/Thriller
PUBLICATION DATE – Nov. 12, 2014
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 272 pages
PUBLISHER – Misterio press LLC
COVER ARTIST – Melinda VanLone, Book Cover Corner
turns to nightmare when psychotherapist Kate Huntington’s guest of honor disappears
en route to her own retirement party. Kate’s former boss, Sally Ford, has been
kidnapped by a serial killer who holds his victims exactly forty-eight hours
before killing them.
With time
ticking away, the police allow Kate and her P.I. husband to help with the
investigation. The FBI agents involved in the case have mixed reactions to the
“civilian consultants.” The senior agent welcomes Kate’s assistance as he
fine-tunes his psychological profile. His voluptuous, young partner is more by
the book. She locks horns out in the field with Kate’s husband, while back at
headquarters, misunderstandings abound.
But they can
ill afford these distractions. Sally’s time is about to expire.
she said into the phone, “I’m sorry, but I have to–”
“No, baby, that’s not the issue. I don’t care about going
out to dinner, but that wasn’t really where we were going tonight.”
“What do you mean?”
Charles blew out air on the other end of the line.
Dear lord, even his sighs are sexy!
“You’ve got to promise you won’t let on that I told you.”
“Told me what?”
“I was charged with getting you to your surprise retirement
party tonight.”
It took a second for Sally to digest that. “So we’ve got to
show up at the restaurant then.”
“Yeah, that was the tricky part, how to get you to where
we’re really going,” Charles said. “The party’s at a former employee’s house. A
lady named Kate…can’t remember her last name.”
“No that isn’t it.”
“Oh, right, Canfield. She’s remarried since she left the
Sally glanced at her watch. Five o’clock. “Charles, I’ve
gotta go. I have this client waiting. What time’s the party?”
“Seven was when I was supposed to get you there.”
“Why don’t you swing by and pick me up at quarter of. We’ll
come back for my car later.”
“Okay,” Charles said, “but you’ve got to act surprised or
Pauline is going to skin me alive.”
“Pauline? She’s been retired six years now!”
“You seem to inspire loyalty in even your former employees,
“Humph. See you at six forty-five.”
Sally hung up her desk phone and stood up. She tugged on the
bottom of her tailored jacket. At least she was wearing something she would be
comfortable in all evening. The pale peach suit was one of her favorite
outfits, partly because it complemented her chocolate brown skin but mainly
because it fit her so well, without any binding or pinching. Too often, in her
opinion, women’s clothing was too much about the latest style and not enough
about practicality and comfort.
She went out to the waiting area of the center, an apology
on her lips for keeping this new client waiting.
But he never gave her a chance to verbalize it.
The short, inconsequential-looking man stood up quickly.
“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Ms. Ford. I’m thrilled to make
your acquaintance.”
Thrilled to make my acquaintance? What an odd choice of
Sally extended her hand. As the man shook it, he placed his
other hand on her arm.
A sharp zing. Her arm reflexively jerked away.
The man jumped back a little. “Oh my, I’m sorry. Static
electricity.” His embarrassed laughter sounded almost feminine. “It’s such a
nuisance this time of year.”
“No problem, Mr. Johnson,” Sally said. “Come on in to my
He followed her down the short hallway and through the door,
closing it behind him.
Sally stumbled a little as she walked to the sitting area in
the corner of the room, where she talked to clients. She was even more
exhausted than she’d realized. Hopefully they would be able to beg off from the
party after an hour or two. She gestured toward the loveseat and lowered
herself into her own chair.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Ford, for keeping you here this evening. I
see that your staff has all gone home.”
Sally shook her head, then wished she hadn’t when the room
spun for a brief moment. “I was planning to work late anyway.” After she’d
heard the poor man’s story over the phone earlier, and his comments that had
hinted of severe depression and suicidal ideation, she wasn’t about to make him
wait until Monday.
She just hoped she could stay alert enough to be helpful.
Fatigue was making her limbs heavy, and she realized her mind was wandering.
Mr. Johnson was talking and she had no idea what he had just said. She shook
her head again. Her vision blurred but her mind cleared enough for his words to
partially register.
“What time is Mr. Tolliver picking you up, Ms. Ford?”
Sally tried to push herself up straighter in her chair. She
wondered vaguely how this man knew about Charles. “What did you say?” Her voice
sounded slurred, as if she’d been drinking.
“I need to know exactly when Mr. Tolliver was supposed to
pick you up, Ms. Ford,” Johnson said more firmly.
Was supposed to, not is picking me up!
Panic shot through her system. Her brain told her body to
jump up and run, but her limbs didn’t respond. They felt like they were made of
“Why…” Sally’s head fell back against the chair, her neck no
longer able to support its weight.
“Because that is when the clock starts,” the man said.
But Sally didn’t hear him. She had already sunk into
Kate Huntington-Canfield:
Born Kathleen O’Donnell, Kate has the Black-Irish coloring
of dark curls and sky-blue eyes. At five-eight and with a decent figure–thanks
to a good metabolism and tri-weekly aikido classes–she considers herself
reasonably attractive. But occasionally another woman comes on to her hunky
second husband, an uncomfortable reminder that she’s not quite in his league
Kate’s known
for her voracious appetite, her inability to cook much of anything that’s
edible, her warmth and intelligence, and an insatiable curiosity about what
makes people tick. Her greatest passion, after her husband, is her work as a
psychotherapist specializing in helping people recover from the traumatic
events in their lives.
entered her own life a few years ago, when she was widowed at the hands of a
killer with a murderous grudge against her and her close friend, lawyer Rob
Franklin (Book 1 in the series).
Kate gets a
second chance at love with private detective, Skip Canfield, but their
respective professions sometimes bring murder and mayhem into their lives. Kate
can’t help but worry that someday she will lose another husband to
Reginald William “Skip” Canfield,
Skip Canfield is six-five and drop-dead gorgeous. Gold
flecks dance in his hazel eyes and his straight, brown hair has an annoying
habit of flopping down over his forehead. But he wasn’t always tall,
broad-shouldered and buff. The short, scrawny teenager who was bullied because
of his goofy nickname still lives inside of him.
One can hear
a touch of his Texan origins in his speech now and again, even though he’s
lived in Maryland a couple decades now. Sometimes he let’s that Texas drawl
creep in on purpose, when he wants to charm the ladies.
He was a
confirmed bachelor, until he reconnected with a former client during a case
several years ago. That summer, he fell for Kate Huntington and fell hard. But
she was still grieving for her murdered husband (Book 2).
Skip is
nothing if not patient, and eventually his patience paid off (Book 3). His
laid-back personality serves him well in his work as a bodyguard and private
investigator. There’s only one thing that can cause him to lose his cool–a
threat to his wife or kids.
He and Kate
have built a good life together. He adores his sometimes intense, occasionally
a tad jealous, but always delightful and delectable wife.
Writing and
psychology have always vied for number one on Kassandra Lamb’s Greatest
Passions list. In her youth, she had to make a decision between writing and
paying the bills. Partial to electricity and food, she studied psychology. Now
retired from a career as a psychotherapist and college professor, she spends
most of her time in an alternate universe with her characters. The portal to
this universe (aka her computer) is located in Florida where her husband and
dog catch occasional glimpses of her. She and her husband also spend part of
each summer in her native Maryland, where the Kate Huntington mysteries are
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