TITLE – Everything Anise
AUTHOR – Natalie-Nicole Bates
GENRE – LGBT Paranormal Romance
LENGTH – 16,200 words
PUBLISHER – Torquere
A Victorian-era vampire living in the modern world, Emigh
Bennett’s favorite activity is watching people from the window of her little
bookshop. When she spots a woman nearly killed on the street outside her shop,
she rushes to her rescue, and she meets Anise.
The proprietress of a little home business called
“Everything Anise”, Anise crafts one of a kind perfumes all with a touch of her
namesake spice, all with the power to intoxicate and delight the senses. She is
smart, sexy, beautiful, and happens to be a little bit different.
Although Anise is everything Emigh could ever ask for and
more, she can’t quite figure her out. Anise possesses the duality of an
innocent angel and a vivacious vixen. Even if Emigh can ever peel away the
multi layers of Anise to uncover the truth beneath, what will happen when she
finally reveals the truth about herself?

For the first time in…hell, it must be years, Emigh’s life
felt bright and vibrant. Meeting Anise was the dawning of a new day. The lift
she needed for so long.
She dared to pick up the phone that first night and call
Anise. To hear that special kind of something in her voice as they spoke. To
talk about everything and anything…well, not everything. She didn’t broach the
subject of her sexuality – well, maybe not hers, she knew that, but Anise’s. As
a matter of fact, Anise spoke of neither male nor female friends.
Anise spoke of her passion for crafting corsets and perfume.
She loved to bake. She was estranged from her family. They didn’t understand
she didn’t want to work a boring nine-to-five job, train into the city, train
home again at night, exhausted. They thought she was wasting her life away, and
because she wouldn’t come around to their strict way of thinking and living,
she walked away from them.
Emigh admired her spunk and dedication. Smart, sweet,
articulate, and she made her laugh, which was a tough thing to do. Anise was
definitely a rare breed of woman.
But how long could it last?
She couldn’t tell Anise she was a vampire, let alone that
she would never die.
How she hated the word! But until someone came up with
something new, she was stuck with it.
Of course, Anise would never believe her. No one did. Every
once in a while, some beautiful woman would come along, and their connection
would be instantaneous…sizzling. Emigh would find herself whispering the truth
to her beloved. Inevitably, the not-so-twin-flame would beat a hasty retreat,
believing Emigh was crazy, or a liar…or both.
Crazy and liar are never good things in a relationship.
Natalie-Nicole Bates is a book reviewer and author.
Her passions in life include books and hockey along with
Victorian and Edwardian era photography and antique poison bottles. Natalie
contributes her uncharacteristic love of hockey to being born in Russia.
She currently resides in the UK where she is working on her
next book and adding to her collection of 19th century post-mortem photos.
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