Thanks, Amber for having me; Your interviews are so fun!
Thanks for being here today! I always enjoy having you. :o)
Tell us about your favorite character from your books. I love all my characters, but I'm going to say it's a tie between Lyon from Surrender and Dane from Secret Dreams. Lyon Sauvage is my hero from Surrender, my contemporary Beauty and the Beast novella. Lyon is scarred inside and out, and is in love with a woman who doesn’t love him back. But through his tenderness, nobility and devotion to Belle, the woman who left him five years before, he endures and eventually, gets the girl in the end. Dane, my older hero (he's 48) from Secret Dreams, has never married because his career doesn't allow room for a wife. Yet once he meets Annie, his fears about commitment fade away, and he makes a choice to do anything and everything to commit himself to Annie, and their love.
Tell us about your current release. Secret Dreams is my contemporary romance that features my feisty heroine, Annie DeRosa, a savvy, brilliant, music producer, who lives and works in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. She is the best at what she does and devotes her waking hours to her work.
My hero is music icon and 80s superstar Dane Franklyn, a fiercely independent musician, who is extremely possessive of his material. His music company has given him literally hours to write a title song for his upcoming album. He's never allowed anyone to share the load, until now. Finding himself in a bind, he's come to the conclusion he needs help. But when that help comes in the petite fiery form of lovely, sexy, smart Annie De Rosa, the sparks begin to fly.
The sexual tension crackles from their first meeting and gradually elevates into an all-out inferno by the time they begin working together in the studio. Being stubborn individuals, their personalities soon clash, and Dane and Annie agree to disagree. But music creates a language and sexuality all its own, driving them both to discover a passion and desire neither have ever known.
Tell us about your next release. Right now I'm working on two erotic romances; one, about a hockey goaltender and the team owner's daughter; the other, a spa owner and former DEA agent.
Who is your favorite author? Too many to list from today's top writers; but I'm going to reveal my age and say I fell in love with Kathleen Woodiwiss in 1976; Once I read Flame and the Flower, Shanna, and Rose in Winter, I felt that no one could ever create romance like she did; Now that she's gone, an era is over. She was one in a million, and will be missed.
When was your first sale? My first sale was in June 2009, with the release of an erotic romance published by Freya's Bower, called Toy with Me, written with my writing partner at the time, Eden Elgabri.
What is the hardest part of writing your books? Oh, you would have to ask that question! Lol….For me, it's the love scenes; I try very hard not to make them all sound alike, but I have to admit that I struggle to get those in bed and create a memorable lovemaking session. The actual act of love is so much easier than writing about it!
Where do you research for your books? Let's face it, how many of us could live without the internet? Google and I are real good friends.
Do you have critique partners or beta readers? My critique partner and dear friend and slave driver (sorry, kidding) Angela Aaron, keeps pushing me to get it right and keep going, when I want to give up or become discouraged; a good friend who believes in me.
Who are your books published with? Surrender, Secret Dreams and Best Laid Plans are Noble Romance Publishing Releases; With a Twist, a Red Sage release.
What do you think makes a good story? When I read a book, I want to know what's going to happy on the next page, and the page after that, and that page after that and so on; a story that keeps me turning the pages, a heart wrenching love story, a tender hero who adores his woman; a woman who stands up to her man, but loves him fiercely; a plot that keeps you guessing til the last page….now that's a good story.
Plotter or Pantser? Why? I think both, actually; sometimes, I just write as I go along; but lately, I've been using the 3-act structure and it's worked out fine. Whatever mood I happen to be in at the time I guess.
Tell us about your family. I have two amazing adult children, both married; I'm also blessed with two grandchildren, who, in the past several months, have literally saved my life and sanity when I was going through a hard time. I have great cousins and lots of aunts and uncles. So I don’t feel like an only child. I have a wonderful extended family.
Do you use a pen name? If so, how did you come up with it? Yes, I do have a pen name and I simply use my daughter's name, which is Heather, and my son's name is, yep, you guessed it, Peter.
Do you listen to music while writing? If so what? It's funny; as much as I love music, I can't write unless I'm sitting in total silence; I guess my attention span isn’t as deep as I'd like it to be.
How do you develop your plots and your characters? Do you use any set formula? No set formula; I usually will see something on TV or in a movie that will spark an idea, then sit down and think about how I want to write them into a story.
What book are you reading now? Right now I'm reading a bunch of old Sandra Marton's Harlequins; I simply adore her heroes; they are so strong, macho, confident, usually very rich and cocky, but tender and passionate lovers – works for me!
What are your favorite TV shows? I love True Blood & Vampire Diaries; also Nurse Jackie, Dexter and recently got hooked on Criminal Minds; love Shemar Moore – he's yummy!
What is your favorite meal? I'm an American Italian, as Martin Scorcese likes to call us, so anything that involves sauce, pasta, meatballs, or eggplant and Italian pastries make me a very happy girl.
What do you do to unwind and relax? I love to read, crochet, or just become a vegetable and watch TV.
Do you have any suggestions for beginning writers? If so, what are they? I'm going to be very corny and boring and say, never give up, no matter what. It took me over 15 years to get Secret Dreams published, but I got there. And don’t let anyone tell you writing for you is a 'hobbie' – it's what we do, what we are.
Morning Person? Or Night Person? I'm usually awake before five each morning; I love to nap when I can, but definitely a day person.
What would we find under your bed? Lots of dust bunnies!
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? Thanks so much for reading my stories and I hope to keep you all happy. I'll try to keep getting them out there, and bring you books filled with hunky heroes, brave, intelligent heroines, stories that explore relationships, passion, share laughter, and yes, mind-blowing, steamy sex!
Hi Heather, it's wonderful to meet you. Your story sounds good. I love a great tale with crackling sexual tension! Kathleen E. Woodiwiss was one me and my sisters' favorites too. My sister even named her daughter Alaina after a heroine in...A Rose in Winter, I think.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your writing success!
Secret Dreams is a wonderful read. Hi Diva. Nice interview.