Monday, July 30, 2012

Welcome Belinda McBride

Alien 101: The Valoran
Earlier this week, I introduced readers to my green alien, Lefi the Somian. (you can catch up with him at my blog:
Today I’m going to introduce another alien species: The Valoran.
The Valoran are a cerebral, disciplined species that excels in hard sciences and mathematics. They show little humor, but are rampantly curious. The Valoran are somewhat androgynous in appearance, with large eyes and delicate features. They most often have dark hair, though sometimes redheads are seen.
The first Valoran I introduced was Cali Polis over in Belle Starr. She was so intriguing that she’s got her own book in the pipeline, but for now, my Valoran hero is Inspector Afton Teris.
Oh…I forgot to mention…all Valoran are hermaphrodites.  And they have one doozy of an Achilles Heel. They’re highly susceptible to drug addiction.
The race is rigidly divided between male and female, behavior such as same sex attraction is frowned upon. However, a small faction has arisen within the population calling themselves gender neutrals, or Gens. They don’t identify as either male or female, and will take either role in a relationship. However, if they function too long as a specific gender, they begin to tip out of balance both mentally and physically.
Inspector Teris…Afton…views himself as male, though he doesn’t remember ever making that decision. So when he finds himself physically attracted to the very male Lefi Dhrahn, he’s very distressed. And it isn’t that Lefi the Bacchi is gorgeous and decadent, but he’s got a good, though broken heart.  Though it’s hard to resist Lefi’s charms, Afton manages fairly well, until he finds himself in the Bacchi’s home, wearing nothing more than a red silk robe…

The Bacchi Lefi Dhrahn lives a life of luxury and decadence, but is tortured by memories of a lost love. He survives the pain by surrounding himself with sex, beauty and all forms of self-indulgence. When he meets the alluring Inspector Afton Teris, Lefi believes the detective will make a very nice addition to his string of conquests.

He doesn’t count on falling in love.

Afton Teris is a Valoran hermaphrodite and like all members of his species, is stern, cerebral and disapproves of the frivolous prostitute. Afton orients as a male, but the beautiful Lefi Dhrahn stirs him sexually, making him question everything he knows about himself. To further confuse his emotions, Afton finds himself tempted by the forbidden pleasures surrounding the Bacchi.

When a kidnapping ring strikes close to home, the two go undercover on a brothel barge to investigate a slavery operation. There, Lefi is confronted by painful memories from his past, while Afton is faced with a horror that threatens his future, and perhaps his very life. 

Their survival lies with one another, but only if Lefi can set aside his pain and listen to his heart.

The Bacchi releases July 31st at Loose Id:
 Belinda McBride lives in far Northern California with her family and a pack of perpetually shedding Siberian Huskies. She writes speculative fiction, m/m as well as other flavors of erotic romance. She is an EPIC finalist for several books and a 2012 winner with her m/m paranormal Blacque/Bleu.  Her m/m science fiction romance An Uncommon Whore was the 2011 Passionate Plume winner.
When Belinda isn’t writing, or thinking about writing, she can be found making soap, taking a dog to a dog show, or making plans to hit the road.
Please visit her at

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome Hunter Raines

Title: Sight Unseen

Genre: Male/Male Paranormal Erotic Romance

Publisher: Carina Press

Buy Link:

Book Blurb:

Daniel Van Doren was once a renowned writer, until he was blinded in the car accident that killed his lover. Now, all he sees are ghosts in need of help. They follow him everywhere, and the only way to be rid of his ethereal visitors is to help them resolve their unfinished business here on earth so their spirits can find peace.

Ghostwriter Logan Riley is assigned to pen Daniel's biography. He plans to reveal him as a fraud, but when they meet he's struck by Danny's quiet sincerity--and a growing attraction. Which makes sticking close to Danny to find out the truth more than a little distracting.

When they are attacked by a violent poltergeist, Logan begins to believe Danny's not just telling the truth, he's in grave danger. A spirit has learned how to harness the energy of the living to break through the barrier between worlds to harm Danny. And Logan may be the one to blame...


Danny loitered by the door, listening for the sound of a car pulling up the drive. His heart thumped, each beat measuring the passing of time. He’d been standing there for at least ten minutes, though he hadn’t bothered to check his watch. Maybe Logan wouldn’t show up. Maybe after having a night to think about it, he decided Danny had been right—he wasn’t in the least bit interesting, and spending the next few months following a blind man around would be preferable only to watching paint dry. Maybe—
But no. There it was, the sound of a motor revving, then slowing as it pulled into his driveway. It sounded different than the police cruisers Nick normally sent for him. Different also than Nick’s beat up truck, which sputtered and coughed like a tractor.
Danny waited until Logan rang the bell, then lingered a little while longer after that before unlatching the bolt. Throwing the front door open the moment the chime pealed would only make him look desperate.
And he wasn’t desperate. Lonely, maybe. Eager for another whiff of that mouthwatering cologne, definitely. But not desperate.
A swift shot of longing chased away the uncertainty Danny had been feeling all morning. He grabbed his cane and stepped outside, letting the door close behind him.
The female ghost from the Java Café was back, too, and she didn’t look anywhere near as calm this morning as she had last night. In fact, she seemed downright restless, pacing across the field of darkness, scowling at the geriatric boxer when he got in her way and flicking dart-filled glares at Danny. The ball of light she held had shrunk to the size of a marble. Was that why she was so upset?
Unable to help her even if he wanted to, Danny turned away and faced more or less in the direction he thought Logan would be standing. “I wasn’t sure you’d show.”
“Did I give you a reason to doubt me?”
Danny shrugged. He trailed his fingertips across the lock, then fumbled with the key, unable to slide it home as quickly as he’d have liked.
Logan’s fingers wrapped around his, sending a shiver down his spine. “Here, let me help.”
He opened his mouth to protest, then closed it again when he realized Logan had no intention of taking his keys. Instead, he guided Danny’s fingers, positioning the key before pressing their hands forward. Logan’s back pressed against Danny’s, pinning him to the doorframe. The unmistakable feel of Logan’s erection against the curve of his hip made it hard to breathe.
The key slipped inside, and Danny nearly moaned. Logan turned their fingers until the lock clicked into place, then he drew back, leaving Danny shaken and disoriented.
“Take my arm. I’ll guide you to the car.”

Thursday, July 26, 2012

This and That

This week has been insanely busy. My little one turns one on Saturday. Family has been in town for a few days with more coming in tomorrow. It’s been an intense year, but good in so many ways. I’m still trying to figure out how to be a full time mom, full time day job and a writer. Juggling the three doesn’t always work.
I’ve also been really sick for weeks. I suffer from Crohn’s and that has reared its ugly head. I’m getting better daily, but for many reasons, the blog has been the last thing on my mind. So if you don’t hear much from me, I’m trying to mend and thankfully I’m not worrying about vampires like my friend Julia! :o) if you’re curious to what I’m talking about check out her blog.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Guest Interviewing Today

Katalina and I are being interviewed over on Raine Delight's blog. Drop in and see what two crazy woman have to say.

I'm also visiting over at Keira's blog:

Whet Your Appetite will return next week. :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Welcome L.K. Below

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Amy, the heroine from Beauty in His Bed.

So Amy how did it feel to be awakened by a strange man kissing you?

Amy: Talk about weird. I freaked out. 

Were you pissed about being deceived by your friend, Monique?

Amy: I didn't have time to be pissed. I mean, I never would have gone to the apartment (let alone fell asleep!) if I'd known it wasn't hers like she'd said. But Seb didn't exactly give me time to nurse a good mad-on. Things between us were incendiary. 

Did you fear Seb wouldn’t be interested in your plus-sized body? (Larger sized women deserve love too and have fun)

Amy: I had no idea why a god-sculpted Cajun was so interested in me. After Tim... well, it was very hard to believe that Seb was interested in me for anything. But he wore me down. Now I have absolutely no doubts. 

Did you get to see the sights in New Orleans or did Seb keep you inside the entire time?

Amy: *clears throat nervously* I actually didn't get to see much more than the airport and my friend Monique's store. Oh, and the diner down the street from Seb's apartment... 

What if anything did you find attractive by Seb?

Amy: Seb is the kind of man any girl would drool over. Tall. Broad shouldered. Looks great in a suit, but is even more delectable in a casual cutoff tank and jeans. But the thing most attractive about him? Whenever I'm with him, he makes me feel like a goddess. 

Was the kiss to die for?

Amy: Which one? With Seb, it just keeps getting better...

How do you feel about the break-up that led you to New Orleans, now?

Amy: Glad it happened. If I'd never met Seb? Now THAT would be heart-breaking...

And of course we wouldn't be reading your story. Thanks for spending some time with us Amy. :o)


L.K. Below indulges her love of fairy tales a bit in each of her books. From scornful first meetings to heated encounters, she believes that every character deserves a happily-ever-after. The Modern Fairytales series embodies that ideal even more, each centering around a fun, flirty fairy-tale-turned-reality for the inner princess. Visit her online at


Upon finding a gorgeous woman in his bed, Seb wakes her with a wicked kiss…and it just might lead to forever.

Devastated by a breakup, plus-sized Amy Somers retreats to New Orleans to visit her longtime friend. But when her friend delivers the key to her apartment and sends Amy on ahead, she doesn’t realize that the apartment belongs to someone else.

Upon coming home to find Amy asleep on his bed, Sebastien Babineaux entertains lusty thoughts. Bent on seducing her, he never expects to lose his heart -- or to work so hard to keep Amy by his side.



Seb propped his shoulder against the door frame to keep from falling to his knees at the sight of the woman lying half-naked on his bed. Was he drooling? Faced with a sight as delectable as her, he didn’t know how his jaw wasn’t lying on the floor.

If only she’d been conscious.

His hands tingled with the urge to strip off the rest of her clothes. After the dry spell he’d been having, he would have considered himself delusional to be handed such a feast. That is, if Monique hadn’t warned him that she’d sent her friend over. Seb needed no help charming women, but with a beauty like the one sprawled out before him, how could he turn her away?

This woman--Amy, he’d been told was her name--had been crafted to fulfill his every  fantasy. She lay oblivious to his presence. Her blue baby doll clung to her large breasts, revealing miles of unconquered terrain. Her auburn hair draped over her chin and part of her plump mouth. One hand was tucked beneath her cheek; the other rested between her lush bare thighs. With her legs curled, he couldn’t tell how tall she would be, but one thing he was certain: before him lay a woman who he wouldn’t have to worry about crushing with his six-foot-tall frame. And one he shortly hoped to know very well.

One question held him rooted in place while his hormones urged him to join her.

Why would a goddess like her be lying half-dressed on his bed?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Welcome Ashlynne Laynne

The Progeny Blurb (The Progeny Series #1)
“No fate other than the one I choose.”

The timeless creed, and tattoo, bore by the Rousseau’s— a vampire clan with the purest bloodline of any vampire family. Out of this clandestine group came one who was different, yet the same: Ascher-a half-bloodling— half- human, half vampire.

Ascher questions the purpose for his existence and which world he truly belongs to: the human world or the vampire world. Two months from sealing to Ursula— a prearranged union to a woman he abhors — he’s at his wit’s end. He knows if he calls off the sealing, the Romanian clan will strike with deadly force, but he cannot see eternity with a cold empty shell of a woman like Ursula.

Just when he thought life was complicated enough, he meets Shauna— a beautiful, bi-racial human Wiccan — and immediately develops an unshakable attraction to her. She makes him feel alive and vital despite his origins and Ascher makes a decision that turns his immortal world upside down.

Blood Bonds Blurb (The Progeny Series #2)

“Forever. For always. For eternity.”

The ties that bind two hearts are powerful. For Ascher Rousseau and Shauna McCutchin, it’s more than just a blood bond. Their union is that of vampire legend. Their love is a predestined prophecy foretold centuries ago.

It’s a week before Ascher and Shauna's sealing and the couple is making final preparations for their eternity, but Ascher's ex has other plans. Ursula is hell-bent on revenge—revenge fueled by lover's scorn and her father's death—and she begins breeding a fresh army of newborn darklings to do her bidding.

When Ursula finds a new weapon—an ally with the capability to dismantle the Rousseau clan— Ascher and Shauna's bond is tested and they must stand together against Ursula or lose each other for eternity.
The Progeny/ Blood Bonds Trailer
About Ashlynne
Ashlynne Laynne has always had a soft spot in her heart for vampires but grew tired of the garlic fearing, sun-loathing creatures of old. An avid horror movie fan, she tends to enjoy media and music that is of a younger, more eclectic nature. This was the catalyst for her writing The Progeny. The vampire/witch pairing is unique and different when most books pair vampires with werewolves.

Ashlynne loves writing on the edge and teetering between the erotica and romance genres, and thinks of Ascher and Shauna as the wicked, damned version of Romeo and Juliet. She is currently working on books three and four of her Progeny Series, book one of her upcoming Rocker Series, and an untitled novella WIP. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading and spending time with her family. She juggles the hats of wife, mother, full time employee and part-time writer, hoping to write full time one day soon.

Ashlynne lives in North Carolina with her husband and teenage son.

About The Progeny Series
 At its core, The Progeny is simply a story about a man and woman who fall in love, and the fact that he’s a half-blood (half-human, half vampire) and she’s a Wiccan human are secondary factors. When we meet Ascher, he’s grumpy. Frankly, who could blame him? He’s engaged to seal to Ursula—a cold and careless vampire who wants nothing more than to get her hands on a bloodstone— and he feels conflicted about his existence.

 All of that changes when he meets Shawnette McCutchin. She’s beautiful, intriguing and possesses some of the most potent blood that he’s ever smelled. A war immediately begins inside Ascher. He craves Shauna’s blood just as much as he craves her body and the closer they get, the harder it is for him to control his urges. After Ascher calls off the sealing to Ursula, the trouble begins. His family’s peaceful period ends when Ursula’s army attacks the Rousseaus.

This series is about a family of which we’ve never seen before. They share a common mortal and immortal bloodline but loyalty is the thread that holds this clan together. Once you become a part of this family, the others will risk their lives to protect you. We see examples of this throughout the journey. There is no shortage of romance, steam and surprises in The Progeny Series but these books are for adults and contain adult sensuality, language and themes.

Book one of the Progeny Series—The Progeny—re-released on May 7, 2012. The “revamp” is a second edition full of extended scenes, new details and tighter editing. Book two—Blood Bonds—will release summer of 2012.

Excerpt from Blood Bonds:
Ascher and Shauna sat facing one another, hands clasped, their gazes locked and searching for the undying devotion and love in each other’s eyes. He leaned into her, drawing her into his embrace, inhaling the sweetness of her hair—one of his favorite past times. The new information had to be disconcerting for her. His life had been one prophecy or prediction after another.
He spent much of his existence minding the covenants and adhering to a prophecy that turned out to be false. Quickening was the only proof he needed to affirm his decision. Anything else was an afterthought and he’d treat it as such. “You’re quiet. Are you okay? Do you need someone to check you out?” he whispered, pulling her tighter to gauge her pulse and breathing.
Shauna sighed heavily, snuggling closer to him. “Can Zion be trusted? Klaus professed a false prophecy. Who says this isn’t one, as well?”
He knew she was overwhelmed by everything—the prophecy, the sealing, their wedding.  “Imagine how I feel. This is the second time someone has placed a sealing prophecy on my shoulders. I don’t know if it’s true and I don’t care, because no one can dictate to me what’s in my heart.”
“Which is?”
“That you’re the perfect one for me always, until the end of eternity and I don’t need some ancient prediction to tell me that.”
Their intense glances met and he saw the uncertainty burning back at him from her eyes.
“Something else is wrong. What is it, Shauna?”
She stared down, twisting her fingers together in her lap.
Placing a comforting hand against her face, he lifted her chin up to meet his gaze. “Eyes up,” he whispered. “What is it, really?”
“I had a bad dream last night,” Shauna managed to squeak out.
“The baby.”
Ascher knew she still dreamed of the baby that would never be. He often thought of him, too, wondering what Shauna would look like swollen with pregnancy, or what the child might have looked like. Once or twice, he’d even dreamed of a precious little angel with jet-black hair, a flushed, tanned complexion and the most beautiful dark eyes. He’d hold on to that image until he held a baby in his arms to complete it.
“If I had not miscarried, I’d be showing by now.” She trailed her hand across her flat stomach as the tears spilled over in her eyes.
Ascher grabbed her, holding her to him as the grief vibrated throughout her body. “It’s okay,” he whispered in her ear. “It’s okay to be sad, love.”
 “Sometimes I feel so empty and it hurts me so much, Ash,” she cried, while nudging her face against his gray sweater. “I think about the baby every day, wondering if I could have done anything different. I had to save my sister; I couldn’t let Ursula kill her.”
He set her away from him. “Shhh...Sweetheart,” he breathed, shaking his head as he placed a silencing finger across her lips. “What happened was not your fault. We’ve been over this before.” He stroked her cheek with his thumbs to wipe the tears from her weary face.
Ascher gazed into her sorrowful eyes and saw the raw emotion reflecting from them. He imagined that if he were able to cry he’d have cried a river over their loss. Sometimes, he wished he could cry to release some of the rage that he held pinned inside of him. Losing that baby cut him deep, like a knife slicing his heart into millions of pieces. He didn’t know anything could ever wound him so much, and yet the only thing that could hurt him more would be the loss of Shauna.
Ursula had it coming for her part in their misery. That bitch was on borrowed time and the payback hourglass was almost empty. He shoved down the growl begging to surface from his depths, until it rumbled and burned hot in his belly. Ascher embraced Shauna again, strumming his fingers through her hair and thinking about his revenge. The telltale pulsing deep inside him finally made it to his eyes, tinting the lush green landscape blood red with his ire. He would get satisfaction for the shedding of Rousseau blood.
A wave of sadness crested within him and replaced the anger, sweeping through him like an emotional tidal wave. He held her tighter to comfort her and to hide the rage burning in his eyes, as his right hand joined hers to caress her vacant stomach. They sat seeking the comfort of one another’s embrace, the only sounds their breathing and Shauna’s muffled cries against his chest as the warm wind rustled in the trees surrounding them.
When the crimson left his sight, he brought his hand under her chin lifting her face to meet his heavyhearted gaze. Placing his hand over her stomach again, he whispered, “We will make another life, Shauna, when you’re ready.”

Connect with Ashlynne Online:      
Ashlynne’s Twitter:!/qlane
Ashlynne’s Website:
Reader Email:

Buy Links

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Whet Your Appetite Wednesday - Body Shots

Body Shots is available from Ellora's Cave

Reed Walker leaned his massive frame against the wall. His leg bent, his boot-clad foot tapped against the wall to the rhythm of the bass drum. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, as his eyes gazed upon the singer crooning the soft rock ballad. She was gorgeous by every standard of the word. Long flowing black hair, dark mysterious eyes, her arms sleeved in tattoos. Dressed only in black leather pants and a matching leather bra, her rock-hard stomach revealed she worshiped the gym but Reed wasn’t here for the singer. She wasn’t his type any longer. Another time, another place maybe. Not tonight. Tonight, he was here for the owner of the bar.
Looking to make some extra cash doing something they loved, Reed and his fellow band mates decided to reunite after a ten year hiatus. Reed, having always been the businessman of the group, took on the task of going to different bars and clubs to see if they were interested in adding his band Foul Play to their lineup.
When he walked into Crimson Nights he thought he was walking into a dream. Never in his wildest imagination had he thought he’d come face to face with the only true love of his life—Sierra Allen.
The look on her face when he walked up to the bar and asked to speak to the owner was one of shock. Like seeing a ghost. And that’s how he felt. Oh, she’d cut off most of her long red hair but she couldn’t deny the scar on her right cheek. It had faded some over the years and she tried covering it with her hand most of the time they spoke but he knew it was her. She told him her name was Laura but Reed knew better. Those haunting green eyes couldn’t be mistaken.
He went along with her charade, though it killed him deep inside. She had run away from him after the car accident without so much as an explanation. The weeks he spent by her side, holding her while she cried over what she felt was a deformed face.
The painful recovery from the shards of glass that cut her, when the windshield shattered. He stood by her side, loving her, wishing he could take away her pain. Wishing it was him who suffered instead of her, only to have her up and vanish when she was released from the hospital.
Now she was pretending she didn’t know him. It didn’t make sense. He’d let her go a long time ago but this time he wasn’t going to leave without finding out why. It was the least she could do. She owed him an explanation.
She shocked him when she agreed to let his band play. He fully expected a flat-out “no”. Why would she want his band playing there if she was hiding her identity? Was it a ploy to make him believe she was this Laura she pretended to be? Or was she feeling the connection too? If it was to prove her charade, she was sadly mistaken. Reed wasn’t stupid enough to be fooled by a haircut or name change.
Reed would wait until the night was done and the bar empty before he confronted her but he would and when he did, Sierra had some explaining to do.
He scanned the crowd. The place was full of drunks. There was a table full of college-age guys looking like they had been served one too many. They were getting rowdy and Reed had a feeling before the night was through there’d be trouble. He eyed the group of young guys doing shots. They were hooting and hollering to the singer requesting she flash them some boobs.
Reed cringed. It wouldn’t be long. He cased the bar searching for any signs of a bodyguard. Nothing. What was Sierra thinking? She couldn’t possibly run a bar without the help of bouncers. What did she do when patrons got out of hand? She couldn’t wait around for the local police to come. Christ in this small town it could take forever.
He swigged the ice-cold Corona and reverted his attention back to the bar. She was laughing and carrying on with a group of women sitting at the bar. She looked happy. A small stab of pain filled him. In some ways he wished she wasn’t so happy. He wished after all these years she regretted walking away from him, disappearing without so much as a goodbye. But that didn’t seem the case. Just the opposite.
He did notice from their brief conversation that she wasn’t wearing a wedding band on her left hand. That was a promising sign. At least there wasn’t a husband for him to contend with. Because Reed was determined to get his answers and get this woman out of his every waking thought once and for all.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Strix

…After drawing a piece of amber from a witch's wish bag, Arcona awakens to a past life as a vengeful Celtic witch - a Strix, who used blood and sex magic to get her way. She turned the gladiator Tyr into a bloodthirsty Slayer. Now Tyr wants his revenge…

That’s how “The Strix” first took shape in my mind. Last year my dear friend and sister in publishing toil, Amber Skyze had a great idea. She mentioned two very intriguing ideas that grabbed and held my interest. She mentioned she had an ancestor who was accused of witchcraft (I it knew all along! lol) and she mentioned her yearly trips to Salem Massachusetts and how fun it would be to have her fortune told in a real witch’s shop…. Fun indeed.

We started talking about a collaborative book series that would include magic, romance and big-time, life-changing adventure. Amber came up with the idea of having four girlfriends in their early thirties get together for a weekend reunion in Salem, to celebrate the Halloween season. The ladies visit a highly unusual occult shop peopled with immortal beings and each pulls a wish stone from a magic bag. After each woman makes her wish—her life gets tipped upside down, shaken and then some.

To add to our peril we started this project November 1st as part of NANO national novel writing month. One month of work? Yeah right. The project grew and grew and before we knew it four very different adventure stories were shaping up into full-length 85k+ novels.

I have to back up a little, in October, I knew I was going to do a NANO experiment with Amber but I had no idea what I was going to write. I hadn’t yet thought of anything. Nothing interesting was coming through. Then one gorgeous day in late October, I was at a yoga class, standing in some semi-painful pose with my eyes closed and my deceased friend Arcona came through to me loud and clear.

I lost my beloved friend almost ten years ago and the real life Arcona was a beautiful, successful, philosophical person who was a mentor to me on many levels. She died far too young. One of the things I missed most about Arcona’s passing was the loss of our creative collaboration. She was a good group leader and knew how to get the best out of everyone.

On that October day in the yoga studio, Arcona’s spirit brushed passed me. I actually had the physical sensation she was near and started to cry a little. She was German and in her typical precise way, in a flash she downloaded a complete story into my head of a Teutonic witch who goes astray. It was an astonishing experience and I hurried home to make notes and tell Amber our paranormal book series had the go-ahead from the spirit realm.

The Strix was a pleasure to write and I seemly couldn’t write fast enough. Arcona seemed to help me the entire time continually pointing me toward important names and places. The story that unfolded was passionate and violent. Clearly it wasn’t for the faint of heart. I began to wonder which publisher I should show it to.

About a week into the work, I shared a 31-page partial with Amber, simply to see what she thought of my plot set-up. The sneaky girl, bless her for this, secretly showed the partial to someone right away and that publisher later bought off on it no subbing and no struggling. It was the easiest sell of my career to date.

The Strix and several other high adventure woman’s stories found a good home at Loose Id Publishing in the “Bag Of Tricks” Book Series.

The next book in the series is Amber Skyze creation “Claimed By Dragons” It’s Jael’s story, which is a sizzling hot ménage with two gorgeous male dragon-shifters on Mount Kilimanjaro. That book is due for release September 28th and we’ll have more to share about it soon.

Here’s the official Strix blurb:

A cursed amber amulet unearthed in Pompeii flings Arcona into a past life of witchcraft, bloodshed, revenge and sexual slavery to the cruel Master of a gladiatorial school. This violent parallel world is populated with “Slayers,” blood-drinking immortals devoted to the gods of war and mayhem.

As a Strix, or malignant witch, Arcona once used sex and blood rituals to create a race of immortal warriors to unleash on Rome. Now it’s time to pay.

The gladiator Tyr was one desperately lonely lover she betrayed. Against his will, she turned him into Upir Likhyi, a foul vampire. For two millennia he’s lived a grim existence as a Slayer, in constant sexual arousal yet denied release; now, he's pissed off and wants revenge. He kidnaps Arcona planning to drink her dry and break the curse. 

Along the way Arcona and Tyr relive their sexual slavery at the hands of Rome and blood sport in the arena, but the real magic is they forgive and fall in love. 

Too bad another Slayer wants them dead.

The Strix Book Trailer:

This year my husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary on Friday the 13th. As an anniversary gift he gave me this beautiful book trailer. 

It seems so fitting that The Strix is about a witch who goes wrong and has to redeem herself... Ummm. 

The haunting music is one of my other loves--Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. This piece of music is titled the "The Mark Has Been Made" it's from the Fragile album (1999 Halo 14) NIN was the internal soundtrack for this book. 

Thank you Honey for the book trailer. Thank you Trent for writing inspiring music.

If you haven’t given Loose Id Publishing a try, this is the time. Be brave and take the ride. Loose Id isn’t afraid to go to the edge and leap. Check out Loose Id. They are bold and I love my new publisher. Thank you Loose Id for giving me a chance.

At the time I wrote this blog, the Loose Id website was down for maintenance and I was unable to post the buy-link. Be assured the store will soon be back on-line with a fresher, sophisticated look.

Katalina Leon & Amber Skyze, “The Strix” book one of the, Bag Of Tricks Book Series. Coming soon  from Loose Id Publishing.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome Cree Walker

The sequel to ‘Whisper on a Scream’, the paranormal, shape shifting erotic book by Cree Walker, ‘WILLING SACRIFICE’… is due out on the 17th July.

It will be available from the Naughty Nights Press EStore and all good ebook sites.


Sugar Coon is the widowed wife of Jack Coon, her werewolf pack’s former Alpha. After having died because of a long forced separation caused by the Elder’s Council he hasn’t giving up their ‘forever and ever’ just yet. Werewolves mate for life and normally when a mate dies the other is soon to follow, but Sugar is different from the rest. She is a natural Born Werewolf just like Jack, however, for unknown reasons she doesn’t die within a year of Jack’s death. Sometimes she wishes she had.

The haunting from her dead husband starts out as gentle whispers and soft caresses on her skin, but soon as he grows stronger his real intentions are not easy to mistake. He wants what every werewolf wants – a forever mate – and if Sugar won’t die naturally, Jack is willing to take whatever steps necessary to bring them together again.

The Elder Coon, Jack’s Grandmother, summons Sugar in an effort to overthrow its newest Alpha, Robert. For Sugar, meeting Robert isn’t exactly love at first sight, but she does feel drawn to him. A part of her thinks it’s just her bad taste in men.

Sugar is confused as to her role the Elder’s plan to overthrow this new Alpha. She’s wondering if it’s even such a good idea. The Elder Coon was fond of using Jack’s pack as a bargaining tool to control him, forcing him to become her own personal weapon of mass destruction when things weren’t going her way politically.

Trial and error unravels the web of lies and deceit the Elders have woven in order to control her, and attempt to control Robert to further their future conquests. Having decided they both want the same thing they find themselves on the same side when it comes to taking out the main source of the werewolves problems, the Elders. They also find themselves falling in love, something that terrifies Sugar since losing her last mate.

Sugar discovers she has a bargaining chip to play with when she speaks to a witch about a little poltergeist problem. Jack isn’t a ghost – or he’s not just a ghost – he’s a Hellhound. It seems that’s where all the bad werewolves go when they die. Hellhounds become servants to the Reapers who handle them in the afterlife, using them as retrievers for the hard to handle spirits headed south. This particular Reaper is willing to help Sugar take out the Elders if she’ll help him trap Jack, but there is an additional cost to the deal.

Sugar is pregnant with twin girls from separate fathers. One is Robert’s and the other is Jack’s, it seems Jack had one final wish as well.

The freedom of the werewolves has cost Sugar greatly and though she’s made several willing sacrifices in the name of leadership and love, she’s made one she is not willing to forgive herself for. The Reaper has made a request that Sugar love and care for both of her daughters equally, but one day he will return and chose one of them as a final cost for his part in their deal.

Follow Cree Walker on her blog page

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Whet Your Appetite Wednesday

Welcome to Whet Your Appetite Wednesday. Each week I'll offer you a snippet from one of my books. This week comes from Adrift. 

Kari remained silent for what seemed an eternity. Ben wanted to prompt her and then decided against it. She had to make a decision on her own. If he pushed, he could push her away. Something he definitely didn’t want to do.
When Kari finally spoke, she took Adam and Ben by surprise. “I’ll admit being confused.”
“Confused about what?” Adam asked.
Ben was relieved Adam had finally found his voice.
“Why me? Why now? And why would two male lovers want to be with a woman?”
Ben chuckled. “We’re not totally gay. We’re bisexual. I’ve been with women.”
“Me too, on occasion. Now I’m committed to Ben.” He reached over and patted Bends hand.
“As far as the why you, I told you, I’ve been admiring you from afar. I believe you’ve been doing the same with me.”
She looked away, toward the water, as if searching for answers. Kari turned back to them. “I’ll admit I’ve had a secret crush on you, but that was before. I hadn’t realized you were in an obviously loving relationship with a man.”
“Bi. You have to understand; we love women too.”
She seemed to be considering their offer. She hadn’t been repulsed at the idea, so that was a good sign. “Whatever you want to call yourself. You’re in a relationship together. I don’t understand how I’d fit in.”
“We both want to love you, Kari,” Adam said.
Oh thank God for Adam. Ben was afraid to come right out and say it, but Adam had the frankness. He told it like it was, and he had a difficult time lying. Not that Ben prided himself on lying, but he could keep a secret if he had to, where Adam could not. He was surprised Adam hadn’t confessed all this to Kari already.
“You want me to join in on your happiness. You want me to be part of you?”

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Muse Still on Vacation

This is the way I've been feeling lately. I don't know what's going on with me. I just know I'm tired all the time. When I went on vacation I really went on vacation. I didn't do any writing...I just chilled and did day trips. I had fun.
Now I'm back to work and my mind is twirling with ideas, but when it comes to sitting down and writing, forget it. I have no desire. Apparently my muse is still on vacation. Not to worry. I'll be busy with edits for Claimed by Dragons and Protecting Grant.
Protecting Grant is a newly contracted book to Loose Id. This is a M/M. At first I wrote it for their Coming Out theme, but my editor and I decided it needed some changes and a few new scenes. This means it will not make the deadline for the theme and will come out as it's own book. That works for me. This is a suspense book about a serial killer. I've been dying (pun intended) to write a crime story.

I've been spending most of my spare time in the pool...That's my life in a nutshell right now.

Happy Tuesday.